Coaching Services

Leadership and Professional Coaching

The work we choose to do is an opportunity to not only earn a living, but to express who we are and grow into our best selves. We all face challenges in our work lives. How we choose to handle them makes all the difference. It is difficult to push beyond our well worn paths of behavior, but stepping into new territory can offer tremendous rewards.  My coaching approach values the unique characteristics of every person. I start with what has meaning and value to my clients so that the outcomes bring deep joy and satisfaction. 

Assimilation into a new role

Whether it’s a promotion, a move to a new group, or a  career change, the first few months in a role is critical.  Research shows that your boss, colleagues and employees reach conclusions quickly. Positive  first impressions pave the way to continued success. I work with clients to develop a personalized assimilation plan and coach them through the plan's high-payoff tasks.

Performance Improvement

Are you frustrated by your inability to achieve the performance levels you expect?  Do you keep hitting the same obstacles at work?  Coaching can help you identify what is happening and put you more in control of the situation. In these situations, I work with people to diagnose what is happening. By engaging my clients' creativity, they develop strategies that they are excited to implement. Sometimes the answers are surprising! 

Career Development and Advancement

Do you want to achieve a new career level? Are you sensing that it is time to move on to a new job or role?  Are you feeling stuck in a career rut? Sometimes you know it is time for a change but don't know which way to turn. As a person who has had several careers, I can identify with those feelings. As a coach, I can help you explore these ideas of change without judgment, exploring what the change will mean to you and what form it could take. Together we can pursue the various stages of change, at a pace that you control. 


Retirement Coaching

What does "retirement" mean to you?  Have you vowed to never retire because you love what you do, or because you dread the thought of empty days? For many of us, a comfortable retirement is a goal or a dream.  But the word "retirement" hardly fits any longer. How we spend our later years varies dramatically from person to person. This is the time of life when we should be pursuing our deepest yearnings, whether that is fishing off a pier or starting your own business at age 65. What will bring you happiness? What will be your legacy? I coach people to claim their own joy and passion for life. You have earned it! Why not be happy on your own terms? 

Transition Coaching

Transitions can come from life changes, job changes, death of a spouse, illness, disability, etc. They are inevitable parts of life, but being in transition doesn't usually feel good. Paradoxically, these are the times that offer us the most in terms of growth and development. This is when we can hear the call of the quiet voice inside. A skilled coach can help you tune in to what you really need, and figure out which steps are most likely to put you on the best next path. I work with my clients to interpret where they are, determine the best strategy, help them let go of beliefs and behaviors that may be holding them back so they can create a new and hopeful beginning.